Ayhan Doyuk Crook

whom it may concern,

I am Jim Trider founder of Full Circle Biomedical I worked with Perfect Science formulas and set up a research programs for Health and Wellness formulas, Animal formulas and Household products.

I worked with Dr. Joseph Arme and David Morse. When the research was completed and we were in the first stages of commercialization I attended along with Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk the Wesak conference in Mt. Shasta, California May 2000. I was there to hear a formal speech/ presentation of Perfect Science.

We witnessed first hand Ayhan Doyuk” out of control rage” at Mr. David Jeans that he adamantly insisted Andrew Nixon not be allowed on the stage. And according to Ayhan Doyuk I heard him personally say, “ It is all about me!”; “They are here to hear me!”.

Mr. Andrew Nixon a polite humble man stepped down from his position to give his speech afraid for his life for Ayhan Doyuk had threatened him to take him out of the company and ruin his life.

Later at the Wesak Mt. Shasta, California conference Full Circle had a meeting with Ayhan Doyuk where Ayhan Doyuk told us that if we did not stop any further research and marketing Perfect Science formulas he would destroy Perfect Science and everything connected to it.

There is little morality in Doyuk, only when he judges others. His design is to illustrate the evil and hypocrisy of any one who does or even does not hand over their money to him. He depicts everyone in business as crooks, evil and himself as a crusading hero for truth and the light.

In September 2000 Ayhan Doyuk was in Sarasota, Florida. He came to Dr. Joseph Arme’s Office where we were doing research for the Perfect Science AD formulas. He congratulated us on our work and later went to dinner with Anna Ramser, David Morse, Debbie Fourst, Terry Welch, his daughter and myself. At that dinner Ayhan Doyuk said that Terry Welch was the inventor of the Perfect Science health and wellness formulas.

If you want evidence of this visit to Sarasota, Florida there is a video taken with Ayhan Doyuk available from Wanda Pratnicka & Zbyszek Ploszczca, Poland, centrumoffice@gmail.com.


I know first hand that in January 2000 Anna Ramser, who had been trained by Full Circle and also worked with Dr. Silvia Tomic from Croatia, assisted by Roger Larson had set up a conference in Ireland. This conference was to introduce the commercialization of Perfect Science products after the research done by Full Circle Biomedical.

Ayhan Doyuk told these same people that they were not allowed selling products and he condemned them and instructed his followers not to buy any products.

Free Commerce…

In fact in 2002 Ayhan Doyuk sent some of his followers into stores that had products of Anna Ramser, Roger Larson and Full Circle to divert sales and in addition instructed his followers to send letters regarding Perfect Science stating the research was not valid, it was poison and added it was not supplied by him.

The pattern that Ayhan Doyuk uses is concerning money and trying to prevent clients from having the real researched formulas. He, like gurus such as Drunvalo through their followers lie and diverts the real technology. They believe it is not necessary to follow the law but are above the law.

He attacks spiritually but the movement is in the commercialization attacking the economic base. He sets up “henchman” to do his work.

We set up the Europe market; he did not produce or distribute the health and wellness formulas and cosmetics. They were produced in the USA. He did not have a network or distribution set up.

Ayhan Doyuk used “Mother’s Water" that had been set up by Full Circle with Wistancia Stone in Mt. Shasta, California, Mina Olen in Finland, Ann Merril and Christan Hummel and Douglas Leber AP.

We were in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, France, England, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, South America, Croatia, Russia, Haiti, Japan, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Egypt and now Kuwait.

He set up nothing!

In April 2002, Ms. Elya Stella Maris Zambrano and Dr. Peter Rohsmann, a German doctor, contacted patients and clients of Full Circle Biomedical through the newsletter W_O_W monitored by Mrs. Shirley Carroll.

Ms. Zambrano is a paid worker of Ayhan Doyuk but was a former patient and client of Full Circle Biomedical. Dr. Peter Rohsmann has been claiming to be making some products from Ayhan Doyuk but not the Full Circle Biomedical’s researched formulas of Perfect Science AD nor the original Pan-Thor household products.

Rohsmann obtained lists of clients while he was in the USA promoting the Prognos testing device. He had used the Perfect Science AD formulas and was incorporating the formulas with his testing.


Ayhan Doyuk goes around Europe with the aid of his investor promising the followers that they will become “ascended master”; live forever. They become victims especially the 56-60 year olds. Ayhan Doyuk is associated with the "Ascension movement”.

We also want no part of Drunvalo Melchizedek
or followers such as Richard & Jocelyn McIntyre, Steven Torrence and Evelyn Levy. We have had first hand information and have met these people. These are not credible people. They may state they have been swindled but they are indeed swindlers.

We are not part of this movement but are active environmentally conscious individuals

It has recently come to attention that a group of Breatharians paid $5,000 to Steven Torrence for Aydo Aqua Elixer that they never received.

If you have been in this situation contact Zbyszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka in Poland at centrumoffice @gmail.com.

Mind Control…

Ayhan Doyuk uses some of his followers to threaten people, to have them attack others' character and aims to destroy their work. Many of his followers were originally trained by Drunvalo.

First, the attacker must portray his attack as an attempt to support the order of values of society by exposing a violator who deserves to be exposed, in essence enhancing his own image as he assaults another.

If this were all there were to these disguises, we might have an easier time discerning the role of discredit, domination, assertiveness and sadism in public life. But the disguise of motives is often supplemented by a far more insidious deception, one that masks the fact that an attack is taking place at all, that is what Ayhan Doyuk has done in the past and is doing today in Poland .


I have recently received a phone call from a gentleman in Venezuela claiming to be ….He said that the reason for the call was that he wanted Perfect Science health and wellness formulas and was unable to obtain them.

I assured him that there was no problem and I would try to

make arrangements for him to receive the formulas.

This conversation stirred my memory of when we traveled to Venezuela and also encounters we had with Stella Zambrano and her son Daniel.

As I mentioned before Stella had been under the care of Dr. Joseph Arme during her patient participation in our research. She also had set up clinical appointments for patient to be tested and for them to also under Dr.Arme’s recommendation use the Perfect Science formulas.

Stella Zambrano had public relations connections in Venezuela that allowed us to have presentations on their television broadcasting station.

Stella’s son, Daniel was introduced to us and it had been made known that

he was skilled as a webmaster.

Anna Ramser, who I also have mentioned before was trained by Full Circle Biomedical had come to Venezuela to help with a conference and organizing the filming of the conference.

Anna Ramser had been present when Ayhan Doyuk was in Venezuela and she organized the filming of the Ireland conference that Ayhan Doyuk was also present at.

Stella Zambrano has been personally working for Ayhan Doyuk the last

….years. And it has been known that Ayhan Doyuk has had personal conversations with Stella’s son Daniel regarding work on his website.

If there is any question regarding this connection contact Zbyzszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka centrumoffice@gmail.com

For more information go to: http://ayhandoyukbeyonddeception.webs.com/researchjimtriderfull.htm

the fall of 1999, after the Earth Quake in Turkey Perfect Science AD hired Steven Torrence. Andrew Nixon and I went to Steven Torrence’s house to discuss how to design the website; we wanted more education on the site. Andrew was from out of town, (CT) so he stayed at Torrence’s house.

Steven Torrence and Evelyn Levi went to Brazil; they said that Evelyn wrote books and that they needed to give a workshop. We found out from Fernando Bergel from Argentina that they brought the Perfect Science formulas to Brazil and sold then there. There was much attraction to the Perfect Science formulas.

That same fall Dr. Joseph Arme, Jim Trider and myself set up a symposium in the Sarasota area to introduce the research done on the Perfect Science formulas. The symposium explained that technical devices could verify the research from Joliet, Illinois, Dr. John Alderson and other doctors including Dr. Arlene Lennox from Fermi Laboratory and Dr. John Mikuzes.

We brought Evelyn Levi along with Sue Houghtaling and Delbra Pendergrass from New York to Dr. Joseph Arme’s office to get tested.

Sue Houghtaling, who was a gourmet pastry chef in the Mulberry St area of New York and Delbra Pendergrass came to Florida because they received threats that they had to stop doing the formulas.

When we returned after the testing at Dr. Arme’s office Steve Torrence said he had a letter that if I did not stop the medical research project there was threats against my daughter. He showed me the email letter.

I called my parents to fly to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which they did. Steve Torrence, his Brazilian friends and Andrew Nixon picked them up from the airport and brought them to Steve Torrence’s house in Parkland, Florida.

Anna Ramser and her friend Roger were visiting with me from Switzerland and they also came to Steve Torrence’s house.

Approximately one and one half hours after we got to the Torrence house Steve Torrence said that the FBI was watching us because the FDA would stop our research. I told him that we worked with the FDA regulations and that this was not true.

When we wanted to leave four men from Brazil, who were friends of Evelyn Levi came to the house. Steve Torrence and Evelyn Levi said that I should bring them to Turkey and they would straighten this out that they did not want to get in trouble with the FDA.

My father, Gerald Welch got very angry and almost pushed Steve Torrence but he did not do it.

We were very intimidated and did not leave for three days. There were some people who did leave before that time but my parents, my daughter and I did not. I told Levi and Torrence that I would bring them to Turkey.

When I left to go to Orland I called Heidi Torrence, Steve’s divorced wife. I told her about what had happened because her son was in Torrence’s house at the time. Heidi was a social worker, who worked with the FBI. She knew Agent Wayne Shield of the FBI personally. I have recently spoken with the office in Miami (305-944-9101) and they said Agent Wayne Shields is retired. Since this is such an intense case and Agent Shield had many conversations personally with me I believe he should be personally contacted.

Steve Torrence, Evelyn Levi and Tom Webb, who also were in the Torrence house during this threatening incident, went to Turkey.

The next day I left, alone for Turkey but my flight was delayed do to technical problems. Twice they thought the plane was ready for departure but then the flight was cancelled until the next day. This was a flight from Florida with a connecting fight in New York to Istanbul.

When I went to Istanbul I tried to tell Ayhan Doyuk, who at that time was a manager with Perfect Science. …..

That was in 1999 even though Ayhan Doyuk has said he has not worked with Perfect Science since 1998.

When I returned from Istanbul to the United States I received a Fax from Steve Torrence and Evelyn Levi stating he was hired by Ayhan Doyuk to do the website. I did not, at that time have any Internet experience and did not know how to get the website back even though eventually I did.

They contacted my list of clients and told them I was insane and that Ayhan Doyuk had nothing to do with me.

Tom Webb warned me that Steve Torrence, Evelyn Levi, Jocelyn and Richard McIntyre met together in Ankara, Turkey and that there was an Internet smear campaign in progress. Webb was present at the meeting in Ankara, Turkey.

Tom Webb claimed he was going to make a report at the embassy in Ankara, Turkey.

In the United States I had hundred of correspondence for my Perfect Science System these people were now being told that there was no research, no formulas etc. and this was on behalf of Ayhan Doyuk.

How is all of this possible when I am the inventor the owner of Perfect Science!

I was in terror, utter fear and my website was taken away from me!

I did not believe, at that time, Ayahn Doyuk did this because he said he did not do it.

Last year 2008, Ian Gregory had on his website that Stella Zambrano stated that Ayhan Doyuk had hired Steve Torrence.

Note that in February 2001 while I was in Finland I was positive that Ayhan Doyuk did do these things but the new person working with Doyuk told me it was Steve Torrence and Evelyn Levi. This new person was a man named Aydin Iraktan , who was born in Iraq, was schooled in Germany, lives in Turkey and owned a Hotel in Sweden with his wife Raji( who is from Finland).

Aydin did a project, Scala Nova, a golf resort in Turkey with Ayhan Doyuk, involving bonds and notes.

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Mina Olen WWW.perfectscience.net tel-phone 1-877-890-7709


Superionisoitu vesi

Artikkeli Minä Olen -lehdessä n:o 2/2000

Pictures taken by the late publisher Matti

who we thank very much for the honor .

In Service

Perfect Science Terry Welch and Anne Doyuk Welch

Artikkeli on aikaansaanut melkoista kohua ja suurta palautetta, ja se on oikein ihanaa. On kysytty että mistä vettä ja siitä tehtyjä tuotteita voi itselleen hankkia ja että voisiko sitä itse ruveta valmistamaan ja että miten saisi yhteyttä Mrs Anne Doyukiin jne.

Ensinnäkin: Mrs Nancy Welch and Mrs Terry Welch matkustelee vedestä kertoen ja sitä mitä moninaisimpiin tarkoituksiin käyttäen ympäri maapalloa. Häntä on siksi melko vaikeata tavoittaa. Minä Olen -lehti pitää yllä yhteyttä Turkkiin mahdollisimman tiiviisti, koska pyrkimyksemme on saada Perfect Sciene AD Suomeen jo ensi kesäksi. Samoin on suunnitteilla superionisoitujen tuotteitten tekemiseen tarvittava tuotantolaitos tänne Suomeen. Sijoituspaikkaakin olemme jo etsimässä, sillä paljon hyvää vettä on oltava saatavilla. Ja vaivattomat yhteydet vaikkapa Ruotsiin, Norjaan ja Tanskaan, koska Ms Terry Welch and Pan_Thor think tank Perfect Science AD toivoo, että tuotantolaitoksen tulisi kyetä palvelemaan koko Skandinavian aluetta.

Markkinointi tuotteille on järjestetty eri puolilla maapalloa lähinnä verkostomarkkinoinnin keunoin, eli muodostetaan myyntiverkosto ympäri Suomea - ja siihen toki tarvitaan melkoinen joullo halukkaita. Yhteystietoja halusta mukanaoloon voi lähettää osoitteeseen: minaolen@minaolen.com.


Ennen kaikkea meidän tulee saada keskusteluyhteys valtiovallan/ministeriöiden kanssa, koska Ms Terry Welch and Doyuk asiantuntijoineen haluaa virallisen portaan kutsun tullakseen esittelemään vesiprojektiaan maahamme. Seurueessa tulee olemaan useita insinöörejä ja tutkijoita, jotka osaavat puhua maamme insinöörien kanssa "samaa kieltä".

Superionisoidusta Ayterion Perfect Science A.D. vedestä valmistettuja puhdistustuotteita (Cleaning Agents) ei mainosteta tavanomaisin keinoin missään, vaan tietoisuus niistä leviää paljolti mm. tietoiskujen välityksellä, joita toivoakseni voitaisiin käyttää myös täällä Suomessa.

Valtion eri laitokset tulevat olemaan myös erittäin suuressa roolissa halutessamme ruveta puhdistamaan maatamme, sillä puhdistusaineita käytetään niissä valtavasti. Samoin monet eri instanssit, kuten palolaitos, armeija ym tarvitsevat varmasti superionisoituja tuotteita.

Perfect Science'llä on omat kotisivut, joilta voi löytää monenlaista yhteystietoa ja saada myös kontaktin:


muita vedestä kertovia linkkejä:

http://www. perfectwaters.net



telphone 1-877-890-7769

tel-phone 1-877-890-7709

http://www. Ayhandoyuk.com

http://www. Waterofeden.com

http://www. lightnwater.com

Juotava vesi:

Juotavan veden myyntiin tarvittava lupa täytyy varmistaa ensin vaikkapa Brysselistä. Mr. Doyuk ei ollut varma luvista EU:n alueella, mutta esim. USA:ssa valmistettavaa sisäisesti nautittavaa superionisoitua vettä myydään tällä hetkellä ainakin 22 maassa. Luulisi virallisten lupien varmistuvan myös Eurooppaan. Tosin esimerkiksi Ruotsista saa jo kyseistä "Perfect Planet Water" -nimellä myytävää vettä. Kyseessä on tiiviste, joka sekoitetaan 4 litraan lähdevettä. 90 millilitran pullo maksaa 280 kruunua plus postitus. Lisätietoja saa kotisivuilta: www.livshalsa.se

Olkaa kuulolla tai siis käykää vaikkapa aika-ajoin tällä sivulla, koska päivitämme tätä aina tarpeen vaatiessa.


Tässä eräs saamani viesti, josta käy selville juotavien Vesien laadut , mihin ne siis on tarkoitettu. E-mail-osoite on tekstissä myös, jos haluat lisätietoja tai tehdä vaikkapa tilauksen.

Matti S.

From: "Stella Zambrano"
pt of Full-Circle Bio-Medical Inc
Sarsota , Florida

Subject: "How can I share your Gifts of God?": second request...

Terry meet with her in Switzland January 2001
arrange by Anna Rasmer and again in Croatia work shop in June of 2001
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 01:34:04 PDT

Dear Giulio:

As by the moment I have not the different formulas for drinkeable water here with me, I can put you in contact with my sister Barbara in Germany who has different formulas and she can supply you what you need as well as the instructions for the last blending. But in fact I can tell you by now the different actions generally about each one of the formulas.

There are 4 different formulas:
Meditation Water: Which is for balance the energy level in the physical body, gently and subtly, helping you to make a detoxification slowly and helping you to mantain a good physical condition.

Balance Water: Works also in the energy levels of the body but its action is faster and it is being used when is present a stage of disease, and in that case the body needs a suplementary increase of energy to help the path of healing.

Breaker Water: This formula is mainly used to eliminate the organic toxification as virus, parasites and bacterias which are producing some illnes. From influenza (common disease until hepatitis, HIV, etc, any kind of disease produced by this factors).
Clear Water: Specially designed to "encapsulate" the toxins coming from hydrocarbons, polutants, chemical products, it means polution and disease produced by non organic polutants. And also help to eliminate this encapsulated toxins by the regular ways the body normally use as drenage systems.

This are different kind of drops with a fast and deepest action than any regular kind of drops for ears, eyes, nose and throat.
There are four different kind of, each one for each mentioned part of the body. It is being used as regularly is used the different kind of drops for.

At the moment, Barbara has in Germany, beside this formulas and drops, two different kind of sprays for face and neck:
1.- Rose Water Spray, moisturizing the skin
2.- Lemon Water Spray, astringent for oily skin

she has also perfums: for men and women, three different kinds of smell for each one.

Now, there are also different kind of products but at the moment there are not available here in Europe, but if you want you can order it from:

1.- Hawaii: Body Lotions, Face Oil, creams
2.- USA: Aloe Vera Gel for scares and burns, Turkish bath soap, turkish bath lotion.
3.- Venezuela: 12 different kind of natural soaps, 6 different kind of gel for the body.
There are also different other products which are at the moment in the process of elaboration
4. Aloe Gels for wellness and balance made from the finest Florida , Texas and Palastine Aloe treated with Ayterion for cellar effects and much more . Used in many research projects for breast cancer .

Respect to your baby you told me, I think it would be good for her to take the meditation water, Breaker , Mother Water, Planet Water, Water of Life( all formula made by Ms Terry Welch founder of Perfect Science and Perect Science AD Inc Istanbul and Delware ) and in a small quantity as 2 oz daily, given in little spoons at different time during the day.

If you want any other question respect to the bio-medical waters in an specific use, please be in contact with Mr Jim trider

Thank you very much for your attention.
Kindly yours
In Service
Stella Zambrano
Perfect Science A.D
Full_Circle Int

Monday, May 19, 2008

V Protocol for Use with Treatment By Energetic Formulations

Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.

Joseph Arme, DC, President, Full Circle Technologies International, Inc.

Introduction and Purpose

This presentation discusses 1) protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional formulations (�waters�) and 2) observations from extensive use of the protocol and waters. There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use. One is the wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several countries over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various forms of cancer, AIDS, and MS. While, historically, most of this information has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject protocol now in use with EAV machines. Other unique aspects include the degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to explain the beneficial role of the waters.

Together these different aspects provide a good example of how energy medicine is evolving as it integrates with science. The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on energy patterns.
Description of Treatment Product

Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional formulations developed by Perfect Science System Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and marketing them to healthcare professionals and consumers. Their mission is to provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue. The products (Balance, Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance They are formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed practitioners who have been certified by Full Circle.
Description of Subjects Treated

Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries during the early and mid 1990�s. The products were originally envisioned as treating different symptoms or disease states. Several hundred successful treatments occurred with many different diseases. With few exceptions, these situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials exist. In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in 1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies. Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine, this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these products. Today, more formal clinical studies are being planned and research is ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere. In cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the sophistication of the available data is low. At the other extreme, clinical animal studies have been undertaken in Turkey.

Description of Research Methods

The protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV machine, are used in the sequence given.

� Determination and possible correction of the patient�s hypothalamic state to assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites.

� Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in the patient

� Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance pattern

� Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular dosage of use

� Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple formulas or dosages are appropriate

� Periodic monitoring of the patient�s response to treatment and of changes indicated in the appropriate dose and particular �water�

Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3 months. This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates. After a period of time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient may be put on a maintenance water and dosage.


Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed conditions. From examination of the data and from observations by practioners, several consistent results may be noted.

� Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns.

� Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes (different waters and different dosages).

� When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage), treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent.

� Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic medicines.

� The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons

� The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan)

Discussion of Results

It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the following order:

1. dysfunction at energy and cellular level
2. biochemical abnormalities
3. alterations in tissues and organs
4. recognizable disease

Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes. Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms. Such bioenergetic changes can occur due to:

1. constitutional/genetic factors
2. toxic load
3. nutritional balance
4. mental/emotional state

The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals. A premise of the Perfect Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and other challenges to the body�s health. The effect of toxins may be viewed in terms of the �bucket syndrome,� where the body�s reservoir for toxins fills up and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the body is very sick. The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body.

A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows:

� The waters do not heal; the patient�s immune system does the healing.

� The appropriate treatment of water is indicated by the EAV machine according to the major stressing agent compromising the patient�s immune system.

� The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them from the body.

� The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency

� Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now controls the patient�s energy pattern.

An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system.
Posted by Ayterion at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: We the orginal and only real research company perfect science not aydo
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements
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The Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements of 1996 is a reaffirmation of the Habitat Agenda agreed separately at the Habitat II conference. It notably reaffirms the commitment of world governments to better standards of living in larger freedom for all humankind.

1. We, the Heads of State or Government and the official delegations of countries assembled at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul, Turkey from 3 to 14 June 1996, take this opportunity to endorse the universal goals of ensuring adequate shelter for all and making human settlements safer, healthier and more liveable, equitable, sustainable and productive. Our deliberations on the two major themes of the Conference - adequate shelter for all and sustainable human settlements development in an urbanizing world - have been inspired by the Charter of the United Nations and are aimed at reaffirming existing and forging new partnerships for action at the international, national and local levels to improve our living environment. We commit ourselves to the objectives, principles and recommendations contained in the Habitat Agenda and pledge our mutual support for its implementation.

2. We have considered, with a sense of urgency, the continuing deterioration of conditions of shelter and human settlements. At the same time, we recognize cities and towns as centres of civilization, generating economic development and social, cultural, spiritual and scientific advancement. We must take advantage of the opportunities presented by our settlements and preserve their diversity to promote solidarity among all our peoples.

3. We reaffirm our commitment to better standards of living in larger freedom for all humankind. We recall the first United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, held at Vancouver, Canada, the celebration of the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless and the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000, all of which have contributed to increased global awareness of the problems of human settlements and called for action to achieve adequate shelter for all. Recent United Nations world conferences, including, in particular, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, have given us a comprehensive agenda for the equitable attainment of peace, justice and democracy built on economic development, social development and environmental protection as interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development. We have sought to integrate the outcomes of these conferences into the Habitat Agenda.

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